Joe Biden’s campaign unveils its first ad in Spanish in Nevada

This story has been translated and edited for clarity from its original Spanish version.
Introducing him as "the strongest candidate to beat Trump," former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign will release its first Spanish ad in Nevada on Wednesday.
In the one-minute spot that will begin airing on three Spanish radio stations, a narrator criticizes President Donald Trump and Republican-backed tax cuts passed in 2017, and touts the Affordable Care Act as the way forward on health care.
"What kind of nation do we want to be? Since Donald Trump took office, he has put our future at risk," the narrator says. "Joe Biden is the strongest candidate to beat Trump and transform the United States into the country we want to have, ensuring that everyone has access to quality and affordable health care, taking advantage of Obamacare to reduce costs and expand coverage to millions of our families with a realistic health plan."
Since his campaign for the presidency began, Trump has promised to repeal and replace the current Affordable Health Care Act (popularly known as Obamacare). Although it has not yet materialized, he issued an executive order on the first day of his presidency to allow government agencies to delay its implementation.
Trump also signed a law in 2017 that canceled Obamacare’s individual mandate, which imposed a fine on those who did not purchase health insurance.
Biden's commercial also says that he will "revoke the tax cuts that Trump gave to the rich and that leave behind all those who have worked hard to make progress," referring to the Tax and Cut Jobs Act passed by Congress and signed into a law by Trump in 2017.
This legislation permanently cut the tax rate for corporations from 35 to 21 percent, temporarily reduced some personal tax rates, expanded the tax credit for children and eliminated penalties for those who are not covered by health insurance, among other actions.
Biden's ad also tells voters that the choice is in their hands and talks about restoring the soul of the nation.
"Let's start by defeating Donald Trump," the voice says in the final seconds of the commercial. “On Feb. 22, go vote for Joe Biden.”
A spokesman for Biden stated in an email that the new ad in Spanish is part of a “seven figure” investment in Nevada leading up to Feb. 22, the day of the caucus.
In Nevada, an average of polls calculated by RealClearPolitics show Biden is ahead with 25 percent, while Bernie Sanders is at 19.3 percent, Elizabeth Warren has 14.7 percent, Pete Buttigieg has 7.7 percent and Tom Steyer stands at 7.3 percent.
In his most recent visit to Nevada on Jan. 12, Biden participated in a community forum focused on the Latino community organized by Mi Familia Vota.
During the event, Biden avoided any firm commitment to pass a comprehensive immigration reform in his first 100 days as president or to appoint a certain number of Hispanics in his cabinet.
According to Biden’s campaign, the former vice president was referring to the fact that he would commit to sending a bill to Congress in the first 100 days.
The former vice president will return to the Silver State on Feb. 16 for the final thrust of his campaign before the caucuses.
Update 1/22/20 at 12:50 p.m. to correct that Biden said that “it’ll be sent in the first 100” not “that’ll be sent in the first 100” when talking about a comprehensive immigration reform proposal.