Las Vegas Justice Court Dept 8
One said, “Amy Ferreira has been a very difficult hearing master on the civil side. She's been doing evictions all day, every day. I'm not sure if she does anything else, if she has any other dockets as a hearing master, but throughout the whole pandemic and up until she started running, she was doing a full docket of evictions, and she was giggling while evicting people. So I have a real issue with her temperament that has changed since she started running for office, but going into that courtroom was a very unpleasant experience for the public.” Another: “I think that the reason why I would choose Bernstein has to do with the makeup of the court and what I consider to be a deficit in qualified civil practitioners on the court. You know, I've talked to a lot of district court judges and a lot of civil practitioners, and everyone agrees that there's kind of a lack of expertise right now, and I think Bernstein brings that expertise, and it's badly needed.” Bottom line: Nod to Bernstein

Nancy Bernstein
Career Highlights
- Current employer
- Richard Harris
- Criminal defense and PI
- Richard Harris
- Previous Employers:
- Nancy Bernstein Law Group
- Solo practitioner, criminal defense
- Dennis Prince Law Group
- Temp. attorney to help with medical malpractice & managing civil cases
- De Castroverde Law Group
- Criminal defense and personal injury
- Nancy Bernstein Law Group
- Clerkship
- District Court Judge Lee A. Gates
Court Docket
Justice Court, Department 8
Volunteer and Community Service
- Hundreds of hours of service to Legal Aid’s Children’s Attorney Project
- Gov. Guinn appointed her to National Alliance on Mental Illness Board
Years Licensed
2007; 17 years
Endorsements & Contributions
- Endorsements:
- National Latino Peace Officers Association
- Voice of the Veteran
- Hispanics in Politics
- Culinary Workers Union Local 226
- Awards:
- Pillar of Justice Award
- Mexican Patriotic Civic Community Award

Amy Ferreira
Career Highlights
- Admitted to MA bar in 2006
- Las Vegas Justice Court Hearing Master
- 2020-present
- Clark County District Attorney, Chief Deputy DA
- 2006-2020
- Founded first CCDA Animal Cruelty Unit while simultaneously working on Special Victims Unit
- Team Chief of Domestic Violence Unit
- 2015, appointed to SVU and worked on unit for three years
- Awarded Woman of the Year from Syracuse Law in 2006
Practice Areas
- Child sexual assault
- General criminal prosecution
Trial Statistics
Total Trials: 35 jury trials
Years Licensed
2007; 17 years
Endorsements & Contributions
- Endorsements:
- Clark County firefighters and almost 100 law enforcement agencies
- Public Safety Alliance of NV (20,000 officers strong)
- Four Unions
- Nevada Now
- Armed Forces Chamber PAC
- Veterans in Politics International
- Nevada Organization for Women
- NV Democratic Veterans and Military Families Caucus
- 27 individual attorneys
- DA Steve Wolfson
- Sgro & Roger
- Holly Driggs LTD
- Sen. Melanie Scheible
- Assemblywoman Clara Thomas