The Nevada Independent

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The Nevada Independent

Early voting and early departures

Joey Lovato
Joey Lovato
Jon Ralston
Jon Ralston
Sean Golonka
Sean Golonka
Rocio Hernandez
Rocio Hernandez

What early voting numbers tell us about the primary and caucus, and pushback as the Clark County superintendent seeks a contract buyout.  

This week, host Joey Lovato chats with CEO and Editor Jon Ralston and reporter Sean Golonka about what early voting turnout data can tell us about Nevadans’ presidential preferences. After that, education reporter Rocío Hernández breaks down the developing situation with Clark County Superintendent Jesus Jara, who plans to resign after more than five years leading the district and is seeking a severance package. At the end of the show, KUNR General Manager Brian Duggan sits down with Joey to discuss the formal partnership between Reno’s public radio station and The Nevada Independent


Joey Lovato - @Joey_Lovato_


Jon Ralston - @RalstonReports

Sean Golonka - @s_golonka

Rocío Hernández - @rociohzz

Brian Duggan - @brianduggan

Read the stories

Nevada primary turnout: More than 151,000 votes cast, mostly by mail

Jesus Jara, embattled Clark County superintendent, submits conditional resignation letter

Check out the other episodes of this podcast
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